Hellooooo Wonder Balmers!*,
We have exciting news. It's finally time for us to be able to properly talk about our brand new product from the Wonder Balm family.
Before the end of this month we are (crazy) excited to say that our new serum will be ready to launch!
We thought long and hard about releasing a new product and we were very open about the fact that we wouldn't consider launching anything new unless it was completely amazing. We're sooooooo stoked to be able to say that this serum has more than passed that test!
For those of you who use Wonder Balm for everything (a cleanser, a face mask, a moisturiser etc) then you're going to totally love this. Why? Because the serum is twice as potent and has double the concentration of the amazing ingredients that have been so incredible in Wonder Balm.
Think back to how your skin felt the first time you cleansed with Wonder Balm - we know that so many of you experienced a quite astonishing transformation in your skin even with the first few uses. That transformation came from using a product that potentially stayed on your skin for a minute or less. Imagine that fabulous feeling x 2 with a product that will stay on your skin all day and night? Swooooon.
We'll tell you more about the serum as we work towards launch. We asked you on social media whether you wanted a waiting list and the answer was a yes by a massive majority. So you can join the waiting list here. Eeeeshk!
Speak soon,
Emma + Aminah xx
*Not a Wonder Balmer yet? Go on, give it a try - your skin will love you for it!
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